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In our first newsletter, today, we cover how The Baltic Way united Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in a historic human chain for independence. Learn about Lithuanian innovations in space healthcare with NASA, EU grants for startups, and the festive magic of Christmas in Paris.

1 The Baltic Way: The human chain connecting the three Baltic capitals – Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius.

In 1989 The Baltic States, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia gained their independence from Soviet Russia…. By holding hands!

The Baltic Chain as it is now known, was a human chain of millions of people holding hands in an unbroken line from Vilnius (Lithuania) to Tallinn (Estonia).

You can learn more thanks to our friends at Wikipedia here

Chilaquiles Verdes
Title: Radvilė Morkūnaitė’s family on the Baltic Way
“One in four people in the three Baltic States took part – young and old, in some cases several generations of the same families”

2 Lithuanian company joins NASA programme to develop drugs adapted for space

Delta Biosciences, a Lithuanian life sciences company, has been selected for NASA’s Space Healthcare Programme. The company will contribute to solutions in space healthcare.

A few years ago, Delta Biosciences started to develop an accelerated molecular research system, which allowed it to carry out 260,000 different experiments per hour, compared to the normal rate of about 20,000. – Learn more

International Space Station
International Space Station | NASA / AP
“Our mission is to empower startups from the CEE region, support their development, and help them turn their ideas into global, innovation-driven businesses.”
– Eglė Elena Šataitė, Head of Space at the Innovation Agency

3 Free Cash! – EU Funded Startup Agency Seeking Applicants for Grant Money

New applications are being sort before the funding cut off for StartSmart Central & Eastern Europe (CEE).

They connect the inventors behind tech startups with corporate partners looking for innovation.

An equity-free startup accelerator program, that in effect hands out some of the billions of Euros set aside by the EU every year to help small companies in the EU become, well, BIG companies globally.

At Baltic Capital Partners we help our clients get established in Europe, to either enjoy the lifestyle, or to expand or build a business.. Or both.

We are now establishing a new desk specifically to help those clients access the many agencies in the EU that are in business to hand out free cash! (in order to sponsor business development).

Learn more at StartSmart Central and Eastern Europe

StartSmart CEE (formerly MIT Enterprise Forum CEE)
StartSmart CEE (formerly MIT Enterprise Forum CEE)
“When we have a hotel in space, we need a first aid kit, because ordinary drugs we have on Earth do not always work in space. For example, antibiotics have a very strange effect – we’ve had one astronaut for whom antibiotics did not work when he returned from space. We do not know why.”

4 Terrorism trial opens in Paris for Islamists accused of beheading teacher Samuel Paty

Eight people went on trial in Paris on terrorism charges on Monday over the gruesome 2020 murder of the French teacher who had shown his pupils a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed as part of a class on freedom of expression.

Paty’s shocking death left an imprint on France, and several schools are now named after him. Paty was killed outside his school near Paris on Oct. 16, 2020, by an 18-year-old Russian of Chechen origin, who was shot to death by police.

Learn more on France24

Pupils pay tribute to teachers murdered by terrorists
On Oct. 13, 2023, another teacher in France was killed by a radical Islamist from Russia, originally from Ingushetia, a region bordering Chechnya.
“We’re often asked why we based in Lithuania as a bolt hole for Europe – Simple answer – I have 5 kids and there’s virtually no crime”
– Aaron Banks, Baltic Capital Partners | CEO

5 In lighter news – the EU is gearing up for another jolly season as Juliette Binoche launches Paris Christmas window display

A whiff of magic is already wafting over Paris. The alleys of Paris are lit up and the windows of the department stores are unveiled.

It’s time to get out your scarves and woolly hats, because the festive season is just around the corner! This year, Printemps Haussmann is redoubling its magic to transport you to the heart of an enchanted story that will awaken your childlike souls.

Read more

Les vitrines de Noël 2024 du Printemps Haussmann avec Juliette Binoche
An XXL tree glistens under the snowflakes, surrounded by golden FERRERO ROCHER© pyramids.
“One of the things we love most about moving to Europe is the access to 27 countries at €40.. a flight (if you book early enough). Paris is wonderful this time of year, and so is Austria, so we’ll be making full use of the weekends leading up Christmas Day.”
– Aaron Banks, Baltic Capital Partners | CEO

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